GREENER Project as part of the organisation team of the WEEK OF MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGIES in SLOVENIA

GREENER Project teamed up with SURFBIO project to organise the WEEK OF MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGIES, that took place during 7-11 November in Jozef Stefan Institute,in Ljubljana and online!

The event was co-organised by JSI, UBU and AXIA.  The event gathered experts in the field of surface and colloid biology, biotechnology, environmental protection, and bioremediation technologies., as well as stakeholders and researchers in applications related to food, health, materials, and environmental solutions.

This was a five-day summit where GREENER project’s 42M meeting took place along with open public events, such as an industrial workshop including a poster session and a hands-on training, to gain knowledge on the applications of surface and colloid biology in different industrial sectors. The industrial workshop was a great opportunity for industry members to learn about the latest developments in these fields, and to discuss the challenges and potential solutions with other experts. Attendees had the chance to socialize and exchange opinions with experts in materials science, as well as from specialists in health, food and environmental applications.

The workshop was followed by a poster session, including the exhibition and presentation of 3-minute posters, offering the opportunity to interact among a significant number of researchers involved in different EU projects within topics related to biology and material sciences, which will allow networking activities.

A hands-on training focused on the “Experimental and computational approaches to study cell-cell interactions and cell-surface interactions”. The training offered several lectures by well-known researchers followed by a demonstration session and a laboratory practical. 

Finally, a 1.5 day of GREENER meeting led to very productive discussions on the achievements and the work to be implemented until the project’s end, on August 2023.

 We are also happy that we had the chance to exchange opinions with some of our relevant projects, including BIOSYSMO, BIOVALUE, and DIAGONAL, among others.

The event had a dedicated website designed by our coordinator University of Burgos:


The GREENER project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement No. 826312.

The SURFBIO project has received funding under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research & Innovation programme under grant agreement No 952379.